Inspiring Stories of Hope
Meet the patients of Nicklaus Children's who, alongside their family, continue to inspire us every day. Their stories of hope, resilience, strength and healing are truly remarkable - and we are proud to serve them.
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Patient of the Month: Carmella
February 2025
After Carmella developed bruising and red blood dots on her skin, she was rushed to the emergency room at her local hospital in Palm Beach. Initial tests showed a low platelet count, prompting further testing. At Nicklaus Children’s Helen & Jacob Shaham Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute, Carmella was diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia (AA) and required a bone marrow transplant – her little brother Angelo was a perfect match and became her donor.
Read their story.
Patients of the Month: Crane Twins
December 2024
Born prematurely, twin brothers Benjamin and Emilio have faced health challenges since birth. Parents Maria Paula and Francisco’s concerns intensified when one twin’s stomach became grossly distended. Within a year, both boys were diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease, a rare congenital condition with only 21 known cases in identical twins, that negatively impacts the colon. Thanks to the team at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital’s Colorectal Center, the twins underwent life-changing surgery.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Wyatt
November 2024
Born with a rare lung disorder known as congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), Wyatt required specialized surgical treatment to remove portions of his lung. Thanks to the world-class care at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Wyatt, who recently celebrated his first birthday, continues to meet developmental milestones.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Jameson
October 2024
After being attacked by a bull shark at the age of 10 while snorkeling in the Florida Keys, Jameson’s resilient spirit shines through every day. Thanks to lifesaving and continued care at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital from an expert multidisciplinary team, Jameson is playing baseball like the true champion he is.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Luciana
September 2024
Despite being born prematurely, Luciana has always been a fighter and was determined to succeed.
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Patient of the Month: Grethell
April 2024
Grethell had a large and extremely rare tumor under her jaw that required surgical resection. Thankfully, Adilia, Grethell's mother, found Nicklaus Children's Hospital and from Nicaragua, they made the journey for treatment.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Roberto
March 2024
Roberto was born smaller than average and required further evaluation and testing at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. After being diagnosed with Wolf-Hirschhorn (4p-) syndrome, Roberto was cared by Dr. Parul Jayakar and Dr. Paula Schleifer at the Nicklaus Children's Brain Institute, and would continue treatment at the Rare Chromosomal Disorders Clinic at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Barbie
January 2024
Barbara (aka Barbie) was living in Venezuela undergoing treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia when her family decided to travel to Nicklaus Children's Hospital for targeted therapy and additional care at the Nicklaus Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Institute.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Wildaline
November 2023
Wildaline’s had a fast-growing benign tumor on her face was impeding her speech and about to cut her airwaves. She had just days to live.A multidisciplinary team of doctors and specialists moved swiftly to devise a plan and perform life-saving surgery so Wildaline could survive.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Kaylee and Family
October 2023
A truly remarkable example of not just a brave patient, but three members of the same family overcoming cancer.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Stephanie
September 2023
Born in Puerto Rico and brought to Miami for a fighting chance at life, Stephanie needed to be placed on a ventilator for breathing assistance immediately after birth. Despite prematurely arriving, she's exceeded all expectations and is well on her way to adulthood!
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Patient of the Month: Mikaela
August 2023
Treatment options for Mikaela's scoliosis diagnosis was severely limited in Paraguay during the pandemic, so Mikaela's parents brought her to Nicklaus Children's Hospital. Thankfully, after undergoing a successful operation on her spine, Mikaela has restarted school and lives a more comfortable and confident life.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Ayan
July 2023
After noticing Ayan's arm was swelling, his mother Anca took him to the pediatrician for a biopsy. While results were pending, they took a trip to visit family abroad but on the return trip, Ayan experienced pain in both legs and a fever. Immediately after landing, Anca rushed her son to the nearest emergency room where he was then transferred to Nicklaus Children's Hospital. An additional biopsy confirmed Ayan had an alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, an aggressive type of sarcoma. Thankfully, after more than a year of receiving chemotherapy, resection surgery and proton radiation, Ayan is now cancer free!
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Nicole
May 2023
When Nicole complained of head pain her parents, Roberto and Tamara, took her to an urgent care. After the medicine provided didn't ease her pain she was brought to Nicklaus Children's Hospital. Thankfully, a multidisciplinary team of specialists quickly understood what was at stake, Nicole was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and immediately began treatment to remove the mass.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Jaxon
April 2023
Jaxon was diagnosed with craniosynostosis, an irregular shape of the skull that was causing the brain to be squeezed, needing immediate corrective surgery. In addition, it was determined that he had a genetic disorder that would require ongoing care. Thankfully Jaxon's parents, Dara and Cliff, knew exactly where to find the best care for their child -- and seven years later they are celebrating his birthday this month.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Fabricio
March 2023
Fabricio was born prematurely at 32 weeks and spent 21 days in the ICU at a hospital in Colombia. Almost a year later Fabricio's family learned that he had spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, but it wasn't until a pediatric orthopedic surgeon visited Cartagena, Colombia on a mission trip where she met Fabricio and knew that she and her team at Nicklaus Children's could help.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Kai
February 2023
Jackie and Rob received unfortunate news that their second baby, Kai, had been diagnosed with congenital heart defects. Surprisingly, Kai's mother Jackie had underwent heart surgery when she was as a young teenager as well. Not only did she receive treatment at Nicklaus Children's, then Miami Children's Hospital, but the same surgeon that had treated Jackie, Dr. Redmond Burke, would later be called upon alongside the entire team at The Nicklaus Children’s Heart Institute to ensure Kai's successful open-heart surgery.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Leo
January 2023
Shortly after his third birthday, Flavia and Stalin began to notice significant bruising below the knees on their son, Leo. Their worries began growing after they realized that Leo was more tired than usual, presenting signs of difficulty breathing, and struggling to complete everyday activities.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Kateryna
December 2022
After being diagnosed with a heart defect in her home country of Ukraine, Kateryna needed surgery for treatment and full recovery. Then, because of the war, her family fled while still seeking medical. Finally, the family was referred to Dr. Daniel Duarte, a pediatric interventional cardiologist at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Daniel
November 2022
After Daniel was diagnosed with myeloid leukemia, a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes a large number of abnormal blood cells, Daniel underwent many rounds of chemotherapy at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. Eventually requiring a bone marrow transplant, Daniel was matched with a donor who eventually became his pen pal. Fast forward two years later, Daniel and his family were surprised to meet the young man who performed a selfless act to save their young boy.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Oliver
September 2022
Oliver began wheezing frequently so his parents, Trisha and Brian took their son to Nicklaus Children's Hospital. While at first his parents assumed COVID-19 related, blood tests confirmed something much more serious, leukemia. Despite his diagnosis, Oliver remains focused and positive even supporting other children' with cancer.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Enya
August 2022
After a pregnancy checkup showed signs of possible cleft lip and palate, Reánnah and Andre took their soon to be born daughter Enya to the United States seeking care. After a healthy birth at a local hospital in Miami, Enya was transported for treatment and follow-up at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Marquez
July 2022
For years, Marquez suffered from a medical condition that affected his mobility in his home country of Jamaica. The condition became so severe that the little boy was walking on the sides of his feet.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Roy
June 2022
Roy’s parents thought the pain in his mouth was tooth related, but a lump began to form on the side of his face. Doctors at Nicklaus Children’s performed a biopsy, which led to cancer diagnosis of osteosarcoma. Thankfully, the tumor could be removed and Roy is continuing treatment for his condition.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: India
May 2022
Paul and Amy brought their daughter India to Nicklaus Children's Hospital for a CT scan and additional testing after she started limping and one side of her body became unstable. After finally receiving a brain tumor diagnosis, India's difficult journey was just beginning.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Graceston
April 2022
After his ability to walk was severely limited, Graceston and his mother Curlene traveled from the Bahamas to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital for a medical consult. Despite overwhelming personal and financial difficulties, Graceston is receiving vital corrective care and is continuing stronger than ever!
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: JP
March 2022
When John and Jess learned that their soon-to-be firstborn son JP was diagnosed in utero with a bladder obstruction that required a surgery before birth, their world came to a stop. Due to his diagnosis, JP was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) after birth where he spent the first 6 months of his life.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Alexandra
February 2022
Born prematurely and with heart complications, Alexandra was described as a miracle baby. Just months old, she experienced respiratory distress and was eventually airlifted to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital to undergo multiple surgeries.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Nicolas
January 2022
Nicolas and his family searched for help and answers in Colombia, and after multiple opinions he was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy type 2 (SMA2). If continued untreated, he may lose the use of some muscles. Thankfully, Nicolas was able to visit Nicklaus Children’s for care.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Jayden
December 2021
After experiencing seizures, Jayden’s parents, Dayse and Oscar, who are nurses at Nicklaus Children’s, knew exactly where to go to get their son on the right path to recovery.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Gloria
November 2021
Dancing was Gloria’s favorite activity, until a large bump developed on her spine making movement difficult. Eventually needing support to walk, Gloria and her family traveled from Haiti to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital for treatment.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Mariangel
October 2021
Mariangel, born in a small town called Galerazamba, Colombia, was diagnosed in utero with cerebral palsy, a condition that affects mobility, balance and posture. After searching for answers for years, she finally found help after a Nicklaus Children’s Hospital pediatric orthopedic surgeon visited her hometown on a medical mission trip.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Daniela
September 2021
After noticing a small bump beginning to grow on his daughter, Daniel rushed to the emergency room at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. After seeking treatment in their home country, the concerning bump grew and forced the family to journey back to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital for immediate treatment.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Athena
August 2021
When Apollonia was four months pregnant, she received a call that would change her life forever. Her unborn baby girl was diagnosed with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV), an infection with a wide range of symptoms including fever and fatigue to more severe symptoms that may affect the eyes, brain or other internal organs.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Graciela
July 2021
After experiencing sudden weight loss and stomach pains, Graciela was taken to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. In reviewing tests and images of Graciela's digestive tract, doctors found ten ulcers and determined a diagnosis, Crohn's disease.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Ashley
June 2021
Ashley was born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a rare condition which requires complex surgeries to correct. Finally, years after Ashley and her family began searching for help, they arrived at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. Now, she's living a healthy, happy life!
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Michael C.
May 2021
Michael C. is a very active athlete whose life changed last year when he was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form a leukemia. This month, as we honor Mental Health Awareness Month, we bring you his heart-wrenching and inspirational story.
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Patient of the Month: Bradley
April 2021
After being transferred via LifeFlight ambulance to Nicklaus Children's Hospital shortly after birth, Bradley was placed on medication to help control his overproduction of insulin. After tests showed he suffered from diffused white matter damage, aggressive intervention was required. Overcoming countless challenges, 54 days later Bradley graduated out of the NICU and was able to continue healing at home.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Mariana
March 2021
Just as the COVD-19 pandemic began, one-year old Mariana wasn't eating regularly and began making grunting noises that concerned her mother, Odaymis. After being rushed to Nicklaus Children's, Mariana's problems began to be identified, but a bigger fight was on the horizon.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Ezra
February 2021
Ezra was diagnosed with several heart defects and needed immediate corrective surgery. After being airlifted to Nicklaus Childrens Hospital, the Division of Cardiovascular Surgery team was ready and waiting. Since that first visit, Ezra has undergone two successful heart surgeries and will need an additional operation to accommodate his recent growth, but he's on track to living a happy, healthy life!
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Lavondre
January 2021
At three weeks old, baby Lavondre was diagnosed with Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), which means he had a hole in the wall that separates the right and left lower chambers of the heart, and he needed surgery to survive.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Gabriel
December 2020
Gabriel struggled with head pain, loss of balance, and more when his parents rushed to Nicklaus Children’s. He was diagnosed with an Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid tumor, and immediately underwent treatment. Now, he’s back on the field in more ways than one.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Alessa
November 2020
Alessa was born with a several complications in her home country of Nicaragua. Unable to breath in the womb, her mother had to undergo an emergency C-section in order to save Alessa and / or herself.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Zuri
October 2020
When Zuri was only a couple weeks old, her parents received a call that would change their lives forever. Zuri was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, but she received the treatment she needed to go on to live a healthy, happy life.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Tyler
September 2020
When Tyler began to complain about pains in his shin, his dad thought it was a simple soccer injury. After multiple complaints, Tyler’s dad began to take it more serious. Following a series of exams and an osteosarcoma diagnosis in Jamaica, Tyler was referred to Dr. Temple, orthopedic surgeon at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital for limb saving surgery.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Juan Diego
June 2020
After a completely normal pregnancy in Nicaragua, Juan Diego was born with blue skin and shortness of breath. He was immediately diagnosed with a congenital heart disease and given a 50% chance of life if mom and dad didn’t seek treatment. Check out how far Juan Diego has come with the help of the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Heart Institute!
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Francis
April 2020
Francis was diagnosed with a malignancy of the kidneys and began her journey with dialysis at the age of 8. For years, Francis has spent three days of the week at Nicklaus Children's Hospital for treatment.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: McKenna
February 2020
Imagine going through most of your pregnancy with hopes of having a surprise gender reveal at birth, just to be told your baby girl will be born with heart complications during one of your last ultrasound appointments.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Mariah
January 2020
Imagine being bullied because of a disability, because of your skin color, or because you are adopted. This was a daily struggle for Mariah, a compassionate and kind-hearted 17-year-old girl who loves her parents, her brothers, and her dog.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Mayra
December 2019
Close your eyes and picture a fun-loving toddler learning a new language, singing songs, and exploring her environment – eager to learn about the world around her and everything it has to offer. That’s Mayra, a two-year-old girl who was born with a very rare case of cloacal malformation, a developmental disorder that affects nearly one in every 50,000 babies. Mayra’s life was at risk due to impending renal failure and time was running out.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Gianna
August 2019
After noticing that her daughter was unable to crawl, stand, or do the things her friend's children were doing at six months of age, Idalmis decided that it was time to seek help. Sure enough, after some consultations and genetic testing, Idalmis' gut feeling was right.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Alanis
July 2019
After a healthy delivery of her newborn baby girl Alanis, Ana was told that she was born with a small caramel colored birthmark on her arm. Not immediately alarmed by the news, Ana waited for their first appointment with the pediatrician who then referred them to Ana Margarita Duarte, MD, Director of the Division of Dermatology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Isabella
May 2019
At only 7 years old, Isabella began to complain about having back pains. Unable to run and play with her friends, or even walk at times, her mother decided it was time to visit an orthopedist. After several blood tests and an MRI, it was determined that Isabella had leukemia.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Joshua
April 2019
Joshua had an immune deficiency called immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency – the most common immune deficiency amongst children. One out of 200 children will have IgA deficiency. The second condition Joshua had was low white blood cells caused by a viral infection, presenting as if he had leukemia.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Helia
March 2019
When Helia was 12 years old, her mother began to notice she was always very thirsty and drinking more water than usual. It got to the point that Helia was losing sleep due to all the weight she gained, so her mother decided to consult with a specialist.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Chad
February 2019
While on a father-son fishing trip in the Florida Keys, Chad, 3, was playing and swinging from the rope of a nautical wood pole when the 200-pound object came crashing down onto his chest, sending him into a state of cardiac arrest.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Layla
January 2019
When Layla was 5, she came to Nicklaus Children's Hospital with a severe case of scoliosis. To help straighten her spine, Layla spent time in halo gravity traction. While her mom returned home to Gainesville for work and school, the nurses at Nicklaus Children's took care of Layla, acting as substitute mothers and making sure she was well cared for.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Charlie
December 2018
After surviving a high-risk pregnancy with a set of twins, the Strombom’s were faced with yet another complication. Their third child, an unborn baby named Charlie, was diagnosed with a congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) and underwent two in utero interventions to allow for a full and healthy gestation period. Once delivered, the LifeFlight team from Nicklaus Children’s Hospital was on stand-by to transport Charlie from West Palm Beach to Miami.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Gabriela
October 2018
Following an emergency C-section, Gabriela’s mother, Katherine, was shocked to see that her new baby was missing part of her face. Gabriela was born with a cleft lip and palate. Katherine researched for hours to find the best doctors to fix her daughter’s condition and came upon the craniofacial team at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Mateo
September 2018
When Mateo was just two years old, his parents were shocked to discover that their toddler developed leukemia. They met with the hematology and oncology specialists at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and began a treatment protocol that brought Mateo back to health—along with some entertainment from his spirited little sister! Mateo, now 10, is a healthy, typical kid who loves running around with his friends.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Luife
August 2018
While he was still inside his mother’s womb, Luife was diagnosed with transposition of the great arteries, a congenital heart defect. Shortly after birth, Luife was taken by ambulance to the cardiac team at Nicklaus Children’s. The pediatric cardiology team took Luife’s heart apart, piece by delicate piece, and successfully, put it back together. Today, Luife is a healthy, active and outgoing 8-year-old boy who wears his “Scar of Honor” with pride.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Justin
July 2018
The moment Justin was born, his mother and father were faced with the most daunting and challenging experience any parent can imagine. Just hours after birth, Justin was airlifted to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital for more specialized pediatric care. Having been diagnosed with pulmonary atresia and tetralogy of Fallot, he required immediate attention before it was too late.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Victoria
June 2018
Meet Victoria, our June Patient of the Month! Before birth, Victoria, was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). While Victoria's mother was pregnant with her, the left side of her heart did not form correctly, causing an urgent need for surgery just after birth to help restore its function, or Victoria would die.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Lucky
April 2018
Zachary, better known by his nickname, Lucky, was born five weeks early. He spent five weeks in the ICU and faced some developmental delays early on. He began physical therapy sessions when he was 2 years old, and after some time, his therapist noticed a knot on his back that didn’t appear to be muscular in nature. The spine specialists at Nicklaus Children's Hospital found that Lucky had a severe deformity of the thoracic spine, known as congenital kyphoscoliosis.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Theodore
March 2018
When she was just 18 weeks pregnant, Micheleen, learned that her baby would be born with a congenital heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), in which the left side of the heart is severely underdeveloped, as well as a cleft palate and cleft lip.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Frankie
December 2017
What was supposed to be a fun day for Frankie and his sister with their uncle quickly took an unexpected and tragic turn. Frankie was kicked in the head by a horse at the ranch they were visiting, and he suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Victoria
November 2017
Victoria was born in Venezuela with a congenital heart defect, but was asymptomatic until she was 10 years old. Her cardiologist at the time said she needed urgent surgery, but everything did not go as planned. A few months later, after Victoria’s health had been steadily deteriorating, her mom resorted to finding a hospital outside of the country to treat Victoria, and found Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Mariana
September 2017
Meet our October Patient of the Month, Mariana. Mariana was born with Crouzon syndrome, a genetic disorder that prevents the skull from growing normally. For Mariana, it also caused difficulties with her breathing, but unfortunately, in Venezuela, where Mariana was born, they did not have the resources to treat her condition.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Piero
August 2017
Meet our August Patient of the Month, Piero. Born at just 27 weeks old, Piero had to be admitted into the NICU at the hospital where he was born and was intubated to allow his lungs to continue developing.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Lacy
July 2017
Meet our July Patient of the Month, Lacy. Lacy was only 2 years old when her parents noticed that something was wrong. They took her to various doctors to try to find what could be the cause, Lacy had an 8 cm. tumor in her brain, occupying most of the lower part of her head.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Bi'Yanie
June 2017
At a young age, Bi’Yanie was diagnosed with sickle cell, a blood disorder that causes the cells to take on a crescent or sickle shape and can lead to very painful episodes called crises. Today, Bi’Yanie is getting stronger by the day, thanks to the bone marrow transplant she received at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Anabella
April 2017
Meet our April Patient of the Month, Anabella. During an early check-up, Anabella was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition called atrial septum defect, or a hole in her heart.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Milagros
March 2017
At 12 years old, Milagros was diagnosed with lupus, an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack itself. In Milagros’ case, the disease attacked her kidneys, and a few years after her diagnosis, her kidneys completely shut down.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Lukas
February 2017
As a newborn, Lukas was in cardiac arrest and brought to Nicklaus Children's Hospital, where he underwent open heart surgery and placed on a Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine, which stabilized his condition.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Andres
November 2016
When he was in high school, Andres was a wrestler, competing at some of the highest levels in the state. Then, in his senior year, the unimaginable happened; Andres suffered injuries that made it impossible for him to continue wrestling.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Astry
October 2016
After Astry was born, her parents noticed that she wasn't progressing as babies typically do. She wasn't able to lift her head and she showed a lot of muscle weakness. Her pediatrician recommended they take her to see a neurologist, and so Astry's parents brought her to Nicklaus Children's Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Tonaly
August 2016
At just 17 years old, Tonaly was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a condition that kept her in the hospital for almost three months. Thanks to the treatment she received at Nicklaus Children’s, Tonaly no longer experiences the strong pains she once did, and with the help of Lisa, she developed the strength to face her condition head-on.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Teegan
July 2016
Once the cardiac team met with Teegan and her family, the doctors realized that this was a case unlike any they had seen before. From before birth she had been diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and then they realized that she had a little less than half a heart and only one lung. Teegan's doctors and her parents knew she had a long road to recovery, but they were prepared to do whatever it takes to get her there.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Alexandra
June 2016
When she was 7 years old, Alexandra started experiencing pain, especially in her feet. At first, her parents thought maybe it was growing pains, or perhaps related to playing sports. It soon became clear that Alexandra had something much more serious when the pain became too much for her to even walk.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Emily
May 2016
Emily was born with Pierre-Robin sequence, a condition present at birth which tends to cause a small jaw, a tongue that is displaced back towards the throat and a cleft palate. She was brought her to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, where she underwent surgery to repair her cleft palate, and since then her life has completely turned around.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Raquel
April 2016
At just 16 years old, Raquel was diagnosed with Pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She first noticed something was wrong in the summer of 2015 when she realized she had swollen glands behind her ear.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Andrew
March 2016
Andrew was born with chronic lung disease and has had to live his entire life connected to a ventilator that helps him breathe. He’s been receiving treatment at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital since he was three months old, and along the way he and his family were told about VACC Camp, a week-long camp free of charge for patients like him.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Luna
February 2016
Luna was born full-term in June 2011, and her family had no idea what was in store. After just a few short hours, doctors realized she was not receiving enough oxygen in her blood and knew it was serious.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Alessandra
January 2016
At age 10, Alessandra was diagnosed with scoliosis and started receiving treatment at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Kellen
January 2016
Kellen is an 11-month-old baby who has spent most of his life inside of Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. That’s because, despite being born with no complications, Kellen’s kidneys completely shut down at nine weeks old, and he’s been on dialysis ever since.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Maya
November 2015
Maya began experiencing seizures at a very young age, from when she was 5 months old. For seven years, Maya visited the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Brain Institute where doctors tried several treatment plans with medication to get her seizures under control.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Annabella
October 2015
At a very young age, Annabella was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, a condition that affects the kidneys. One day, she went into septic shock and her parents brought her to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Izabella
September 2015
Growing up, Izabella liked any and all sports, from soccer to baseball to whatever she could do outside. Then one day, her dad noticed her limping while she was playing. In an unfortunate twist of fate, Izabella was diagnosed with something that would affect her ability to keep playing sports, osteosarcoma.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Dayana
August 2015
At the age of 6, Dayana's life changed forever when she was diagnosed with diabetes. She didn’t immediately know what that meant, but the realization that the rest of her life would consist of finger pricks and monitoring her sugar level was a hard one.
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Patient of the Month: Jimmy
July 2015
While on vacation in Florida, Jimmy's father noticed he was feeling lethargic and unlike himself. One morning, he didn't wake up and as his father brought him out the front door, Jimmy had his first massive seizure.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Felix
June 2015
When he was just a young boy in Nicaragua, Felix’s mom noticed that he often complained about pains and not the usual pains for an active boy his age. After he was taken for blood tests, doctors discovered that Felix had sickle cell disease.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Melanie
May 2015
Melanie has been through quite a lot in the past few years; at the age of 12 she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and since then she’s had to face challenges that many other teens her age will never know.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Isabella
April 2015
When she was 2 years old, Isabella was diagnosed with autism after she had suddenly stopped speaking. Since then, her mom has been taking her to the Nicklaus Children’s Dan Marino Outpatient Center for different therapies, and they could not be happier.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Gracie
March 2015
When her mom was still 11 weeks pregnant with her, Gracie was diagnosed with Down syndrome and soon after, doctors discovered something else; she also had a congenital heart defect that would require surgery shortly after birth.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Devin
February 2015
Born premature and with a congenital heart defect, Devin was rushed to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital where she had heart surgery at 6 days old and weighing only 3 and a half pounds.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Connor
November 2014
On the day he was born, Connor’s parents could not wait to meet their baby boy. The pregnancy had gone well, so they were shocked to see that Connor was born blue. Something was wrong, and their fears were confirmed when Connor started coding and the doctors huddled around him. He needed to be sent to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, they told them, and quickly. He was flown to Miami right away by LifeFlight®.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Christian
October 2014
Christian was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which means that the left side of his heart did not fully develop while in the womb, and so could not pump his blood. At just three days old he had his first open heart surgery, but that was just the beginning of his treatment.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Sydnie & Tenille
August 2014
Sydnie and Tenille are two teenagers who at first glance look very different from each other. They’re a year apart in school and have completely opposing styles, but they have one thing in common; they both have sickle cell disease.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Ralphie
July 2014
Just a day after being born, Ralphie was rushed to Nicklaus Children's unable to breathe on his own. His doctors tried various methods to help him start breathing, but nothing succeeded. It was at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, one of few hospitals in the region at the time with an ECMO program for pediatric patients, that Ralphie was able to receive the critical care he needed.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Alexis
June 2014
Alexis has suffered more fractures in her short life of life than what the average person will in their entire lifetime. This is because Alexis has a very rare disease called osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as "brittle bone disease."
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Andrew
May 2014
Andrew Lorenzen had always been a healthy, happy child, who enjoyed playing all types of sports. So, when his mom brought him to Nicklaus Children's to get a free EKG screening, neither of them believed the results would actually come back showing something was wrong with Andrew. Imagine their shock when after the screening, Andrew's mom received a call from the hospital telling her to take Andrew in immediately because they found he had a rare condition called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Leslie
April 2014
Nine months after first being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), Leslie Rodriguez is getting back to being a healthy, happy kid. She's in school and accumulating honors happily.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Gaetano
March 2014
Just four months after being born, Gaetano already knows what it means to fight for his life. At birth, doctors discovered he had a right-side congenital diaphragmatic hernia and pulmonary hypertension, meaning the muscle separating his heart and lungs from the lower abdominal organs did not develop completely while he was in the womb.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Harrison
February 2014
Harrison's parents brought him to Nicklaus Children's thinking he had a regular stomach virus, but their world turned upside down when the Emergency Room doctors couldn't find a pulse on their son. Harrison's heart had completely stopped, but he continued to talk and walk. The ER doctors transferred him to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and worked together to diagnose and treat his condition. Thanks to their care, Harrison is back to being active and has participated in the MCH5k for the past three years as a way to give back to the hospital that saved his life.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Andres
January 2014
After being diagnosed with Leukemia in 2012, Andres spent 243 days at Nicklaus Children's Hospital and today he is healthier and happier, thanks to the care he received here. Now, while on the maintenance phase of cancer treatment, he shares with us his survival story.
Read their story.
Patient of the Month: Nathan
December 2013
Nathan’s mom went in for what was supposed to be a normal ultrasound and instead discovered that her son’s heart had serious complications. In most places Nathan would not have survived, but he was referred to Nicklaus Children's Hospital, where the Cardiac team not only rebuilt his heart, they gave him the opportunity to grow as a healthy, happy child.
Read their story.
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