Barbara Bermudo, one of Univision Network's most recognized talents and co-host of the show “Primer Impacto,” visited Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in what turned out to be an impactful and emotional experience. On a tour of 2 North and the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit led by Dr. Juan Bolivar, Bermudo met the family of a 2-month-old patient whose life was saved thanks to the treatment he received at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. The visit to the cardiac unit put into perspective what Bermudo learned before the tour when she met with representatives from MCH Foundation and the hospital's Senior Vice President for Chief Officer, Dr. Deise Granado-Villar, where they discussed Nicklaus Children's mission to provide the best pediatric healthcare in the world.
Bermudo also had a meet-and-greet with a Patient of the Month, Luna and her family. Luna’s mom, Vanessa, shared with Bermudo their experience at Nicklaus Children’s, including Luna’s open-heart surgery just days after being born. After that, Bermudo went on the tour of the hospital, visiting the Miguel “Mike” B. Fernandez Pediatric Family Trauma Center, and then visit the Telehealth Command Center to learn how we communicate with doctors and patients all over the world. She left the hospital deeply impacted and inspired by what she learned, which she shared with her viewers the afternoon of her visit in a segment of her show on Univision, “Primer Impacto.”
Throughout her career, Bermudo, a highly celebrated journalist, has received numerous honors for her work including a special recognition from the City of Miami as one of the most notable professionals of Puerto Rican descent in the community and an award from the United Way organization for her journalistic contributions in covering Hispanic issues in South Florida. We are very grateful to her and her team for visiting Nicklaus Children’s and for all of their wonderful support!