This winter, a TV special titled "A Child’s Journey," aired across Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach and Naples, highlighting three Nicklaus Children's Hospital patients, their families, doctors and care teams.
The program featured the stories of Olivia, a 5-year-old born with a heart condition; Lucky, who's spine was shaped like a number 7; and Daniela, a girl who was diagnosed with brain cancer. All of these young children had to overcome serious medical conditions at very young ages, and did so thanks to the support and incredible medical teams at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. The TV special wraps up with a message from Jack and Barbara Nicklaus, encouraging viewers to make a donation to help continue the world-class care available at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.
Click here to make a donation that will directly benefit patients like Olivia, Lucky and Daniela on their journeys to health.